Addressing un-cooperative attitudes and difficult competency procedures

Our efforts to improve performance are often frustrated by absence, stress, allegations of bullying, trades union opposition or grievances taken out against senior leadership. This course will consider the recent changes in government policy on Performance Management and Capability and explore their effective application to resolve long standing issues underperformance and lack of cooperation.

This course is the sequel to my courses on ‘Managing Challenging Colleagues’, extending ‘conflict management’ approaches to focus on the problems and difficulties that often arise when formal procedures are started.  Delivered ‘in house’, it will develop consistency and shared understanding in your leadership team.

Who is it for?

School, academy and college leaders who have the responsibility for managing informal and formal procedures effectively. 

What will you learn?

A range of informal and formal strategies with which to handle challenging such issues of unco-operative behaviours and tactics which seek to undermine the authority of the head and the progress of your school/college.
Case studies are used to open up issues of law, pay and conditions and effective practice. Practical exercises will provide opportunities for delegates to share and explore their issues with colleagues and to develop their interpersonal skills.


  • Attitudes, Performance and role of Management
  • Expectations and norms: the framework of Professional Standards
  • Using Performance Management and the Threshold effectively
  • Difficult conversations and contracting for improvement
  • Stress and illness
  • Managing strongly unionised staff

Cost:  £750 per day plus expenses (inclusive of preparation, required report writing and follow up).  Five days or more (recommended): discounted by 10%.

“I wish I had done this course earlier - it would have helped me no end! Thank you so much.”

“Very thought provoking. Challenged my thinking, processes and procedures.”

“A really good day Excellent pace - very thorough preparation. Great sharing of best practice. Many thanks.”

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Leadership training Schools challenging colleagues